As an affiliate of ERB and ISEE, Nashville Education Consultants is an official test site for the Independent School Entrance Exam. As the only ISEE office in Tennessee, NEC welcomes testers for grades 2-12 from Nashville and beyond.

Our office is child-centered and our approach to testing is creating an environment that is nurturing, individualized,
and calm.
NEC hosts ISEE options in all three test seasons, with the most predominant availability in the fall and winter, which overlap with the traditional admission timeline of local independent schools.
Registration for the ISEE takes place directly through ERB. NEC date options are searchable on the ISEE registration site by entering the state of Tennessee and ERB Code 571509. Whenever possible, NEC is also happy to add date and time options to accommodate a tester’s scheduling needs.

Standard Testing
Standard ISEE administration is an assessment that takes place with no alterations or accommodations for time, tools, or presentation of materials. However, within NEC’s mission to promote the best possible test setting for every student, standard testers do still benefit from the following:
Child-centered test environment
Small group tests (maximum 10)
Individual testing (limited number available, early request recommended)
Paper pencil testing option
Computer testing option
Opportunity to visit the test space and meet an administrator prior to testing
Accommodations Testing
A wide range of test accommodations are available to learners who qualify through ERB’s accommodations application process. Once approved through ERB, testers have every possible accommodation available to them at NEC.
Calculator use
Computer use for essay on paper exam
Computer use with spell check for essay on paper and online exam
Double time (2x)
Extended time (1.5x)
Individual Testing
Large Print Test
Mark Answers in Test Booklet
Additionally, students testing with accommodations also have these opportunities available to all of our testers:
Child-centered test environment
Small group tests (maximum 10)
Paper pencil testing option
Computer testing option
Opportunity to visit the test space and meet an administrator prior to testing

Is there an additional cost to take the ISEE at NEC?
No. The cost to take the ISEE at NEC is the standard testing office fee set by ERB.
How do I register to take the ISEE at NEC?
Registration for the ISEE takes place directly through ERB’s website at https://www.erblearn.org/parents/isee-registration. NEC date options are searchable by entering our ERB Code 571509 into the test site field.
Whenever possible, NEC is also happy to add date and time options to accommodate a tester’s scheduling needs.
Why don’t I see NEC as an option when looking for ISEE dates in my registration parent portal?
Feel free to contact us if you do not see NEC as an option for your ISEE needs.
How many times can I take the ISEE?
There are three ISEE test seasons and students may test once within each season. In Nashville, the fall test season (August-November) and winter test season (December-April) are the ones that fall within the traditional independent school timeline.
*Though the winter test season is open through April, applicants to Nashville schools should plan to take the ISEE by early February in order to complete their application file in time for the first round of admission decisions.
When do you recommend taking the ISEE?
For many students, it is beneficial to first take the ISEE in October or November and then, based on that score outcome, decide if they would like to take it again December - February. The simple knowledge that there is the option of another chance to test can often put students at ease and allow them to do their best work the first time.
Do I have to share my scores with schools?
Eventually, scores will need to go to all applicant schools, but they can be sent after parents have the chance to see them first. This is especially helpful for a student testing in the fall season who would like another set of scores from the winter season before deciding which scores to share with a school. Parents can return to their ISEE parent portal at any time to add schools as a score recipient.
How do I share my scores with NEC?
Families working with NEC on school placement or score interpretation should add us as a score recipient through the ISEE parent portal. Our ERB code as a recipient is the same as our test site: 571509
Does my child need to bring anything on exam day?
All testers must wear a mask while in the NEC office.
All testers should bring a snack and a drink to have during the two 5-10 minute breaks.
Students taking the paper exam should also bring two sharpened pencils and two blue or black pens.
Does NEC do ISEE prep?
No. ISEE test sites are prohibited from also doing test prep. However, there are many wonderful ISEE tutors and tutoring groups in Nashville and we are always happy to share those resources.
What if my child is sick, quarantined, Covid positive, or awaiting the results of a Covid test on test day?
It is imperative to reschedule in the case of any of the above. We will work with ERB on a rescheduling family’s behalf to ensure an extension and ability to still test in the season in which they are currently registered.