NEC Blog
Resources for confidently navigating the Nashville independent school market.

The ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) is the testing tool most commonly used by Nashville schools for students entering grades 5-12. It is also what many applicants feel the most nervous about in their application process. However, with a little forethought and planning, you can come to see the ISEE as your child’s advocate instead of something to fear.
Decision day has come in the Nashville Independent School world, and though an Admit or Waitlist is now conveyed electronically, parents can’t help but have that feeling of anticipating whether they will receive a big envelope or small one.
Fall is in the air, children are in school, and families are beginning to think about what the next academic year will hold. In Nashville’s independent school market, tours begin the year before planned enrollment so the time has come for parents who will have a child entering a new school next year to begin exploring those options.